so i used to be really into drawing characters and thought that’s what i might end up doing ‘when i grew up’. I think art school and also wanting to do something ”””””more useful”””” to society made me feel like this stuff (fantasy characters in particular) were basically frivoulous and uncool! That sucks, and so does the resulting lack of practice in designing and drawing characters and environments!
I used to get the very very occasional imagine fx magazine (or maybe it was only ever hand-me-downs from my older bro?) and LOVED poring over the fantasy artwork, reading about different brush packs and painting techniques and dreaming of being a magically talented concept artist.
I had some fun just drawing this little non binary wood elf person (happy non binary day 🙂 ). I like the textures and i was pleased to go ahead with some kind of anime eyes from the outset because i feel like i’m always avoiding them. I also take great pleasure in using the hue/saturation editing tool to switch up colours throughout the drawing process.

i think the close up is definitely more interesting than the full image, even though I’m annoyed to notice how i accidentally erased part of the left ear – which was my favourite one!
Anyway, pretty OK start to playing around. I know I really always tend to too dark and murky so I’ll need to work on that as well.