I’m a member of two co-operatives (Cornerstone Housing Co-op and Footprint Workers Co-op) in Leeds. Both of these co-ops are members of a secondary co-op and mutual aid network called Radical Routes.
In 2016-17 a working group within Radical Routes visited different member co-ops, investigating and conversing about our internal problems – particularly with barriers to participation in the network. The working group was (tongue-in-cheekily) named Clause 5.1 for the piece of policy change that sparked this process.
Working with some anarchist academics at Loughborough University, a report on the findings of that process was put together by one of the working group members. I took this approximately 50-page document and re-presented the information in this illustrated 20-page A5 zine, to make the information more enjoyable and therefore more accessible to read (for some – unfortunately I still haven’t figured out how to make things screen-reader friendly).
Riso printed on recycled paper.